Wednesday, December 5, 2007



Most Wanted - CAUTION: The spider on the picture below is wanted for serious and often violent crimes. If you believe that you know the location of this fugitive, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TAKE ANY ACTION ON YOUR OWN. Immediately call the State Police or local authorities if you believe you have spotted this.

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Spidey wanted!


Surname: Man

Given name: Spider
Sex: black male
Height: 1.5m
Weight: 350 g
Hair: none

Eyes: white
Citizenship: none
Scars and marks: spider web all over the body n a white spider on the chest

Spoken language: French
Written language: French
Other characteristic: cute

Last found: On the mirror shelf in HOTLINK SPOT. [not available]

Isaacode: Mr Spider Man is needed for decoration purpose for the up-comin new room. Immediately text/ring/post/tag me if he is found. The price and location of the spider are needed asap. Thank you.

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Mat Rempits are also known as illegal bike racers and are found everywhere on street. Frequently trying to perform some rempits skills. What are the causes of it? Influence by friends?

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I think it should be influenced by the DA DA's. :)

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The daddy wants him to be a Ghost Rider??

actually, that little one looks pretty adorable under the helmet.

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